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Dulcimer Days at Roscoe Village
The plan is to participate in the 2007 Dulcimer Days this year as usual.  There is not information about the festival on the Roscoe Village site at the momment.

Harmony Harvest September 13, 14, 15, 2007

The 14th annual Harmony Harvest festival is in the works.  Alyce is working with Butch Ross to be our featured performer.

Contact Alyce if you have a workshop you would like to present or would like to volunteer to help organize the event. 

  Lancaster Festival Fair Days

The club has been invited to participate in the 2007 Festival Fair Day July 21st.  

The morning of the 2006 Festival Fair Day was raining and grey.  The members of the club showed up with sun in their dulcimers in spite of the weather.  We had a great time playing on the stage and recieved many compliments. 

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